Chachu kidogo huumua mkate


Methali (proverb)

Chachu kidogo huumua mkate. 

A little yeast raises the loaf. A small fire razes a big forest.

Chachu - yeast, leaven. 2 thing or action which provokes/causes exasperation.

Etymology: From -chacha (“ferment”): kuchacha (“to ferment”).

Chacha - 1 ferment, turn sour. 2 be cross, be sour in temper, be irritated. 3 foam, froth . 4 indulge in certain habits, aggrevate

1. Umua – leaven/raise dough.

2. Umua - 1 take (by craft) sb’s wife. 2 deprive bees of their honey.

3. Umua - cast molten metal in a mould to make it come out in a new shape.

Yeast is usually added to the water along with other ingredients like salt before mixing with flour to make the dough. This distributes the yeast fairly even and allows the bread to form fairly in uniform according to the mould it is placed inside while in the oven. If you forgot to add yeast to your dough, you can just mix the yeast called for in the recipe with a few tablespoons of warm (but not hot) water. Let it sit for five to 10 minutes. Once the yeast has activated, fold it into your dough or punch it down into the dough, and allow it to rise. Punching bread dough down after it rises is a tried-and-true method of degassing the dough (removing any air bubbles) and reinvigorating the yeast cells, introducing them to the new food(dough). But folding the dough is also a valid technique for executing these tasks. Folding or punching depends on the kind of texture desired as result. Punched-down dough gives more tender, compact, and finer crumb while folded dough gives a looser, crunchier crumb with air pockets because the dough rises more.

Game theory of interacting crowds

Two concepts are involved.

1.     Tools to direct overall crowd movement and behavior

2.     Tools to direct individual movements, interactions, and behavior within a crowd

To direct individual movements, first identify various types of characteristics of individuals. For example, on a scale of strong/healthy.







Strong & healthy

Not so strong but healthy

Weak but healthy


Strong but not so healthy

Not so strong & not so healthy

Weak & not so healthy


Strong but unhealthy

Not so strong but unhealthy

Weak and unhealthy

The variable “strong” connotes level of damage/impact to the enemy while the variable “healthy” connotes the energy level of agents to engage the enemy crowd in combat. These variables determine roles and deployment. Strong variables are deployed into leadership/instruction while healthy variables are deployed into ground combat. The variations help in positioning to appropriate roles. The little yeast, like an algorithm, can permeate all areas of the pound of dough and raise it to produce high volume of breads.

The idea of directing individual movement in a crowd may also be extrapolated to direct overall crowd movement. This needs a path-following algorithm. The primary objective of a path-following algorithm is for avoidance of obstacles, for example, trees, water-ponds, buildings, and so forth. A secondary objective is to take the shortest path possible. Taking the shortest path possible is in line with gaining comparative advantage, for example, occupying a strategic position, achieving element of surprise, and so forth. A type of algorithm used in mapping the shortest path is the “follow-the-carrot algorithm”. Follow the carrot is a simple path-tracking algorithm, used when a robot should follow a path. The idea is to look at a path, obtain a goal point, and then aim the robot towards that point. We can call the point Pn. Points/nodes on the path towards point Pn may be tagged P1, P2, P3… Pn. From point Pn, the algorithm will check the surroundings with a radius R. To obtain goal point P1, the algorithm will calculate the point ‘P’ on the path that is furthest away from the robot and closest to Pn but within R, on a relatively straight line. This point will be P1. Once the robot arrives at P1, the same calculation will be performed, bringing the robot to P2. This continues until the robot arrives at the closest and best position to Pn for the final stop that initiates combat. Through this path, the robot has been avoiding obstacles, but the enemy legion (Pn) is the final obstacle which is not meant to be avoided but combated. At this point, the algorithm changes, whereby the individual variables characters as discussed before, calculate arrangement and positioning for the main combat.


Martin Lundgren (2003). Path tracking for a miniature robot. Masters, Department of Computer Science, University of Umea.

TUKI (2001), Kamusi Ya Kiswahili-Kiingereza; Swahili-English Dictionary. Published by Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili (TUKI), Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
