Utumishi (usefulness and national development)


Tumia - use, utilize, apply.


Applicative form of -tuma.

Kutuma - to send.

-tumia (infinitive kutumia)

1. to use

2. (of a person) to employ

3. (of money) to spend

Nominal derivative

Utumishi - 1 civil service department. 2 service, employment; establishment. 3 usefulness/utility


Sokondo - cold chisel; diamond chisel.

A cold chisel (originally diamond-chipped) is a chisel tool sometimes composed of tempered steel, with a strength, shape, and temper suitable for chipping or cutting cold metal. It is struck with a mallet by hand, or mechanical power.


Diamond is the hardest naturally occurring material known. Over 70 percent of diamonds are used for industrial applications, while the rest usually go into ornamentation. The main utility of ornamentation is the application of influence on human minds in the attempt to direct them towards particular lines of labour. This is basically the domain of propaganda. A potent tool used to direct human activity towards serving the producer’s interests. The main aim of propaganda is invoking certain emotive reactions such as fear, reverence, demoralization, bamboozlement, and so forth. The use of diamonds in this may just be a drop in the ocean but still remains significant in the domain of the diamond industry itself.

Case of United States

Domestic Production and Use: In 2019, total domestic primary production of manufactured industrial diamond bort, grit, and dust and powder was estimated to be 190 million carats with a value of $86 million. There was no domestic production of stone. One firm in Ohio and one firm in Pennsylvania accounted for all of the production. At least nine firms produced polycrystalline diamond from diamond powder. At least two companies recovered used industrial diamond as one of their principal operations. The major consuming sectors of industrial diamond are computer chip production; construction; drilling for minerals, natural gas, and oil; machinery manufacturing; stone cutting and polishing; and transportation (infrastructure and vehicles). Highway building, milling, and repair and stone cutting consumed most of the industrial diamond stone. About 99% of U.S. industrial diamond apparent consumption was synthetic industrial diamond because its quality can be controlled, and its properties can be customized.

In 2019, China was the world’s leading producer of synthetic industrial diamond, with annual production exceeding 14.6 billion carats. This is almost a hundred times the production by united states. U.S. demand for industrial diamond is likely to continue probably in the construction sector as the United States continues building, milling, and repairing the nation’s highway system. Industrial diamond coats the cutting edge of saws used to cut concrete in highway construction and repair work. Synthetic diamond production far exceeds natural industrial diamond output. Worldwide production of manufactured industrial diamond totaled at least 14.6 billion carats in 2019. This is largely equivalent to Chinese production alone.

The mining of natural rough diamond is rapidly becoming an endeavour in mere luxury. Global rough diamond production decreased by 14% during the first two quarters of 2019 driven by reductions in Botswana and South Africa. Globally, most natural industrial diamond is produced as a byproduct of mining gem quality diamond. The bulk of natural rough diamond produce goes only into ornamentation while a small portion goes into synthetic production for industrial use whereby billions of carats can be reproduced from a very small amount.


National development is all about having functional public utilities. These are things and processes that can be utilized to make human activity easier, more efficient and effective. The more efficient and effective the utilities, the greater the impact of that society in being able to survive and express itself in the world.



TUKI (2001), Kamusi Ya Kiswahili-Kiingereza; Swahili-English Dictionary. Published by Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili (TUKI), Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

U.S. Geological Survey, (2020). Mineral Commodity Summaries: Diamond (Industrial) Data Sheet, p 54-55
