Kuporomoka (to cascade) and the race to predict the process


Poromoka - glide or slip down in a mass, cascade.

-poromoka (infinitive kuporomoka)

1. to slide, to slip, to cascade

Nominal derivations:

Poromoko (“landslide, avalanche, steep drop”). - conceptual

Maporomoko – cascade/fall debris – object


“Let the chips fall where they may” is an idiom that means to be satisfied with the results of something. The phrase is usually used when one is doing everything one can to achieve a certain outcome, but at a certain point, the outcome is out of one's hands and whatever will happen, will happen.

There is a simple sequential way of converting nitrogen into ammonia called the Haber-Bosch process, used to create fertiliser. The process however requires a lot of energy(heat) to carry out. Bacteria on the other hand do it at room temperature but scientists don’t understand the core dynamics of it because it’s too complicated. Therefore, there is a lot of energy being expended in the world to understand how complex sequential processes are effected with so little energy by natural processes. This is the core idea and motivation behind fields of: quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and crispr cascades genetic engineering and “vaccines”. The word vaccines is in quotations because the idea of vaccines involves inoculation with a weakened pathogen to stimulate heightened immune activity that will prevent infection. Crispr cascades “vaccines” on the other hand work by genetically engineering genes in a person/animal/plant by initiating a sequence of cleavages/slicings on the genetic strands of the DNA that get entangled. The aim is destroying certain genetic information as a method of preventing viral infection. The conjured mass worldwide experiment using “covid vaccines” showed that all of them were ineffective as far as covid prevention is concerned, as exhibited by infections after multiple “vaccinations”. Other effects of the genetic engineering is probably still a point of debate and observation.

To illustrate this process using biological terms, a CRISPR-associated complex for antiviral defense in GMO plants, (Cascade)15, comprised of 3–5 proteins (depending on the subtype), facilitates RNA-guided DNA target recognition. Once in entanglement with the target, a processive single stranded enzyme, Cas3, is recruited to and activated by the Cascade complex to perform target DNA destruction.

These seemingly varied fields are for the purpose of creating a model/framework for understanding natural cascades and how to predict and control them. Understanding cascades in quantum computing is being hoped to help in modelling environmental, social and political cascades so as to control important points of action and consequently, the outcome. For example, if a Eurasian nation desires to invade another nation, it may use quantum computing models to identify important points of activity and how to control the outcome of the war. Another example is, if a Eurasian nation imposes economic sanctions on other nations, it would use the “quantum” model to identify important points of activity to manipulate and make the sanctions more effective. Despite restrictions and cartelization, the processes of war or economy are very complex hence the outcomes are generally by chance, that’s why economic sanctions against Zimbabwe, Russia, Iran, Venezuela and others have generally failed. Similarly, despite Russia and Ukraine being coerced into war, the desired outcomes by the instigators have generally failed. The outcomes of WW1 and WW2 was the general end of colonial occupation, which was an outcome that the instigators of the wars still regret till today as was clearly expressed by a former British prime minister. See here https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-colonialism-africa-british-empire-slavery-a9564541.html . This is why they work so hard to maintain colonial entanglements despite being thousands of kilometers away.

Points of activity in a cascade

A good example to help understand “important points of activity” in a cascade process is the process of blood-clotting. This process is termed “coagulation cascade” in medical jargon.

The coagulation cascade, or secondary hemostasis, is a series of steps in response to bleeding caused by tissue injury, where each step activates the next and ultimately produces a blood clot. The term hemostasis is derived from “hem-”, which means “blood”, and “-stasis”, which means “to stop.” Therefore, hemostasis means to stop bleeding. There are two phases of hemostasis. First, primary hemostasis forms an unstable platelet plug at the site of injury. Then, the coagulation cascade is activated to stabilize the plug, stopping blood flow and allowing increased time to make necessary repairs. This process minimizes blood loss after injuries.

The coagulation cascade involves the activation of a series of clotting factors, which are proteins that are involved in blood clotting. Each clotting factor is a serine protease, an enzyme that speeds up the breakdown of another protein. The clotting factors are initially in an inactive form called zymogens. When placed with its glycoprotein co-factor, the clotting factor is activated and is then able to catalyze the next reaction. When a clotting factor becomes activated, it is denoted with an “a” following its respective Roman numeral (e.g. when activated, Factor V becomes Factor Va).

The intrinsic factors&pathway means the factors and pathway initiated in the blood while the extrinsic factors&pathway means the factors and pathway initiated in the tissue. The two pathways merge into one common pathway, facilitated by a reaction with calcium ions, at the end of which, a stable fibrin clot is formed. The points of binding with calcium ions have been circled in red because they are important points of activity that make the whole process a success as well as maintaining the outcome to gradual “permanence”. Calcium ions (Ca2+) play a major role in the tight regulation of coagulation cascade that is paramount in the maintenance of hemostasis. Other than platelet activation, calcium ions are responsible for complete activation of several coagulation factors, including coagulation Factor XIII (FXIII). FXIII is responsible for covalently cross-linking preformed fibrin clots preventing their premature fibrinolysis, by maintaining the clot architecture and strength.

The Calcium ions (Ca2+) in all their calcium-binding sites with the various zymogens generally work by crystallizing the structure of the zymogens – a process termed “activation”. Nevertheless, there are additional regulatory/functional features in the different activation mechanisms of different zymogens in the cascade process. Replicating this process artificially is therefore more complex and requires enormous amounts of data to create a framework/algorithm that can work at least satisfactorily.

Calcium in blood clotting and quantum computing

A central idea in quantum mechanics is the idea of “quantum entanglement” of particles. This is the idea that two particles may inherently share certain similar physical properties like spin direction or electrical charge despite the distance between them. And that these two particles influence each other in case of any alteration without any medium of communication. Just like in the era of alchemy which preceded chemistry, a lot of superstitious lingo has been used to try to explain this idea, such as, “hidden variables”, “spooky action”, “collapse of state from observation” and so forth.

The experiments utilized to measure “quantum entanglement” are generally termed “bell experiments”. The first bell experiment was performed by Stuart J. Freedman and John Clauser using Freedman's inequality theorem – a variation of Bell’s CH74 inequality which theorized “hidden variables”. The association of these bell tests with blood clotting in the title is due to the curious choice of radioactive calcium ions to initiate a cascade process. Two photons emitted from the radiative calcium are projected in different directions then measured at both ends. The electrical charge measured at each end may be + or – at any given time. The intrigue lies in simultaneous measurement of both ends which has been recorded as being any combination, like ++, +-, -+, --. This is different from the currently usual electrical connection whereby if one end is + charge, the other end will be – charge to complete the circuit.


The race for “quantum supremacy” between various Eurasian civilizations currently permeates many fields of science and even humanities with a lot of hype, propaganda, false equivalences, false starts and false alarms. The desire to use “quantum” frameworks/models for political and social purposes places even more pressure on its protagonists in a fast-changing geo-political environment.


Retrieved from https://www.osmosis.org/answers/coagulation-cascade 13th Aug 2023

S.J. Freedman; J.F. Clauser (1972). "Experimental test of local hidden-variable theories". Phys. Rev. Lett. 28 (938): 938–941.

Singh, S., Dodt, J., Volkers, P. et al. (2019). Structure functional insights into calcium binding during the activation of coagulation factor XIII A. Sci Rep 9, 11324

TUKI (2001), Kamusi Ya Kiswahili-Kiingereza; Swahili-English Dictionary. Published by Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili (TUKI), Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Young, J.K., Gasior, S.L., Jones, S. et al. (2019). The repurposing of type I-E CRISPR-Cascade for gene activation in plants. Commun Biol 2, 383

