Kimasomaso (English stoicism for evasion of responsibility) pt. 1


Kimasomaso - pretence:
Kufanya ~ to try to get out of a difficult argument, tight corner by trickery, e.g. by pretending not to understand or to have forgotten.

Zuzu - imbecile, fool, idiot, blockhead, simpleton.

Zuzuwaa - sink into oblivion, be foolish/stupid.

In English, an equivalent phrase is ‘playing dumb’.


play dumb (third-person singular simple present plays dumb, present participle playing dumb, simple past and past participle played dumb)

To pretend to be dumb, whether

1. To feign muteness.

2. To feign stupidity or ignorance of some knowledge, usually in order to avoid responsibility or gain some advantage.

It is interesting to note that some time back, BBC World Service Trust, conjured up their own definition of the word ‘kimasomaso’ and contrived a syndicated radio & television show using Kenya Television Network as a front/mask to propagate their ideologies regarding reproduction to East Africa. The show was taken down after backlash from people. The mis-definition of ‘kimasomaso’ seems to be more induced by mischief rather than innocent ignorance. A preference to rather self-deprecate themselves by appearing dumb than be honest and take responsibility for their ideologies.


Self-deprecation, or self-depreciation, is the act of “reprimanding oneself” by belittling, undervaluing, disparaging oneself, or being excessively modest. It can be used as a way to make complaints, express modesty, invoke optimal reactions, evade responsibility or add humour. It may also be used as a way for individuals to appear more likable and agreeable. Among “the masses”, self-deprecation often reflects low self-esteem and is associated with depression and anxiety and has become increasingly popular on social media, especially among Gen Z.


1. Self-defense

Self-deprecation was recommended by philosophers of Stoicism as a response to insults. Instead of getting defensive, people join in by insulting themselves even more. According to the Stoics, this would remove the sting from the insult. It would also disappoint the interlocutor because the person failed to show upset in response to words that were supposed to “hurt them”, thereby reducing the chance that they will try to upset the person like that again. People prefer self-criticism over being criticized by others.

However, researchers believe it can have an overall negative effect on users. It can result in them feeling that they don't deserve praise and undermining their own authority.

2. Likability

The idea follows that engaging in self-deprecation allows individuals to appear more likable by showing off their flaws and deflecting praise. That people tend to have more negative impressions of individuals who seem boastful and who talk positively about themselves. They are often perceived as arrogant, but this doesn't occur when one describes themselves in a negative way. That a person might self-deprecate after achieving something in fear of their accomplishment threatening the self-concept of others. That people with higher statuses (i.e., is wealthy, has many accomplishments, are physically attractive) are perceived more positively if they self-deprecate by highlighting their own personal flaws and downplay their successes.

3. Politeness

In traditional British-English culture, self-deprecation is considered to be an element of modesty. Modesty is considered a virtue, often contrasted to the North American demonstration of self-confidence, often taken for boasting. This is characteristic such as in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, where "blowing one's own trumpet" is frowned upon. In stereotypical English behavior, belittling themselves means appearing polite by putting someone else first.

4. Comedy

Self-deprecation is seen as a major component of the comedy of many North American comedians such as Rodney Dangerfield, Woody Allen, Nathan Fielder, Don Knotts, Joan Rivers, etc.


This is a link to former British prime minister utilizing self-deprecating humor combined with dark humor to appeal to the emotions of subjected people in Africa.

Since the rise of social media, self-deprecating humor has become increasingly popular on certain social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and TikTok, especially among Gen Z. This phenomenon can also be observed among millennials who find satisfaction in self-humiliation. Self-deprecating jokes typically revolve about feeling “dead inside”, having a mental illness or about people blaming themselves for anything bad that happens in their life. These posts tend to be more popular because it allows users to not feel alone in not being able to live a “perfect life”. According to the American Psychological Association, 91% of Gen Z between ages 18-21 have experienced at least one physical or emotional symptom due to stress. This statistic is the highest rate ever recorded, demonstrating the increase of mental health issues that Gen Z experiences. In return, users turn to self-deprecating memes on social media to cope.

Social media can be public yet personal and has norms most users follow to avoid being criticized. These types of self-deprecating jokes can let people feel free from the pressure of needing to appear perfect. It lets users display their less-desirable traits or habits while preventing feelings of embarrassment.

Boasting on social media, just like in real life, is often connoted negatively and is another reason why users gravitate towards self-deprecation to deceptively appear more likable. People also tend to like a person more if positive information about them is presented by a third party rather than from themselves, even if it is the same information. Furthermore, using self-deprecating hash tags allows individuals to be perceived as less arrogant and more humorous.



Austin, Adrienne B.; Costabile, Kristi A.; Smith, Lauren (2021). "Social judgements, social media, and self-deprecation: Role of information source and valence on trait and favorability judgements". Journal of Media Psychology.

McMullin, C. (2019). "Self-Depreciation: Why Do We Do It?". From Backpacks to Briefcases. Arcadia University.

Mills, Sara (2017). "Self-deprecation". English Politeness and Class. Cambridge University Press. pp. 66–68.

TUKI (2001), Kamusi Ya Kiswahili-Kiingereza; Swahili-English Dictionary. Published by Taasisi ya Uchunguzi wa Kiswahili (TUKI), Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Zizzo, Kira. (2019). "How Self-Deprecating Humor has Defined the Mental Health Issues of Gen Z in an Alarming Way". The Rock Online.
